7 Tips To Start a Quality Auditing Program to Cuts Your Risks
Subsequently, here are 7 practical tips for your team to follow when starting the audit.
Why Auditing your Suppliers’ Factories Will Cut Your Costs
In times of budget cuts, many hard-nosed executives request cuts in every line of every cost center. However, in some cases, spending more on preventive activities, and cutting drastically in some other budget lines, is a smarter approach. First, let’s look at your costs of poor quality Do you estimate them every year? Here are […]
10 Steps to Ensure High Quality Production in China
If you import products from low-cost Asia (China, but also Vietnam or India), you need to take steps to increase the odds that you receive high quality production batches. It means you work with the right companies, you set the right standards, and your standards are strictly adhered to.
Selecting A Reliable Supplier: The Limits Of Factory Audits
Selecting a reliable supplier in China or, say, Vietnam can be a daunting process. In this article, let’s explore factory audits which you may use to assess potential suppliers, and the limits of the audit score.
8 Similarities between Factory Audits and Product Inspections in China
In our last article, we listed the major differences between a supplier audit and a quality inspection.
Well, there are also many similarities, some of them obvious and some others less so. Keep reading to see 8 of them…